Chord/Tab song: Who Knows

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Who Knows - ( [Intro] [Em] [D]And it's a Protoje [Em](Yeah) [D]Chronixx...)

[Em] [D]And it's a Protoje
[Em](Yeah) [D]Chronixx a wha' you say
[Em](Yeah) [D]OK. Oh well, yeah

Who kn[Em]ows, who k[D]nows, who knows, who [Em]knows
I just g[D]o where the trade wind b[Em]lows
Sending l[D]ove to my friends and [Em]foes
And I su[D]ppose
I'm ple[Em]ased to be chi[D]lling in the West In[Em]dies
Jah pro[D]vide all my wants and ne[Em]eds
I got the sun[D]shine rivers and t[Em]rees, green le[D]aves, yeah

[Verse 1]
[Em]When me see Jah me s[D]ee a way
[Em]Drastically stray from hyp[D]ocrisy I say
[Em]Every man to them o[D]wn a philosophy
[Em]I live the proper way, and then me r[D]ead a chapter daily
[Em]Man they in a city hun[D]gry and no eat
[Em]And food they down a country just a d[D]rop off of the tree then
[Em]You see say pov[D]erty no real then
[Em]Is what the reasoning rev[D]ealing...

Who kn[Em]ows, who k[D]nows, who knows, who [Em]knows
I just g[D]o where the trade wind b[Em]lows
Sending l[D]ove to my friends and [Em]foes
And I su[D]ppose
I'm ple[Em]ased to be chi[D]lling in the West In[Em]dies
Jah pro[D]vide all my wants and ne[Em]eds
I got the sun[D]shine rivers and t[Em]rees, green le[D]aves, yeah.

[Verse 2]
[Em]When the rain pitter p[D]at 'pon the roof
[Em]Herb just a steam pepper p[D]ot 'pon the stew
[Em]Life is a dream if you g[D]ot gratitude
[Em]So go tell the regime they can't s[D]top what we do now
[Em]Information you th[D]ink on your own
[Em]Or else you're a slave to the th[D]ings that you know
[Em]What do you know if you le[D]arn everyday?
[Em]So be careful of things wha' you [D]say...

Who kn[Em]ows, who k[D]nows, who knows, who [Em]knows
I just g[D]o where the trade wind b[Em]lows
Sending l[D]ove to my friends and [Em]foes
And I su[D]ppose
I'm ple[Em]ased to be chi[D]lling in the West In[Em]dies
Jah pro[D]vide all my wants and ne[Em]eds
I got the sun[D]shine rivers and t[Em]rees, green le[D]aves, yeah.

[Verse 3]
[Em]Africa in a we soul but a J[D]ah in a we heart
[Em]It is of importance say I[D]&I gather
[Em]If we cannot show now a bal[D]ance that we had
[Em]How do we propose then to ca[D]rry it abroad
[Em]Cannot go to Ethiopia and yo[D]u not have a plan
[Em]The building of a nation a h[D]and a help a hand
[Em]Everyone one love a one, a m[D]an is just a man
[Em]It shall be a coronation when we l[D]and, land, land...

Who kn[Em]ows, who k[D]nows, who knows, who [Em]knows
I just g[D]o where the trade wind b[Em]lows
Sending l[D]ove to my friends and [Em]foes
And I su[D]ppose
I'm ple[Em]ased to be chi[D]lling in the West In[Em]dies
Jah pro[D]vide all my wants and ne[Em]eds
I got the sun[D]shine rivers and t[Em]rees, green le[D]aves, yeah.

[Em] [D] Who knows, who [Em]know[D]s
Who k[Em]now[D]s, oh well[Em][D]
I'm ple[Em]ased to be chil[D]ling in the West Ind[Em]ies[D]
Jah pro[Em]vide all my wants and ne[D]eds, yeah [Em]... [D]oh well

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132

Chord: Who Knows - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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