Chord/Tab song: White Ferrari

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: White Ferrari - ( (Verse) [C]Bad luck to talk[Em7] on these rides[Am] [C]M...)

5 years ago12100Blonde (2016) Frank Ocean

[C]Bad luck to talk[Em7] on these rides[Am]
[C]Mind on the road
[Em7] Your dilated eyes[Am] watch the clouds float
White Ferra[C]ri
[Em7] Had a good time
16: [Am]how was I supposed to know anything?

[C]I let you out[Em7] at Central[Am]
[C]I didn't care[Em7] to state the plain[Am]
Kept my mouth closed, we're both [F]so familiar[Am][Em7]
White Ferr[C]ari
Sti[Em7]ck by me
[Am]Close by me (You will find, you [C]will find me)
Is this the slow[Em7] body?
[Am] Left when I forgot to speak

So I t[C]ext the speech, lesser speeds
T[Em7]exas speed, yes
B[Am]ase takes its toll on me
Eventually, eventually, y[C]es
I only eve[G]ntually, eventually, [F]yes

I c[C]are for you s[G]till and I [F]will f[D7]orever[F]
Tha[C]t was my p[G]art of the d[F]eal, hon[D]est
We got [F]so fa[Am]miliar[G]
S[F]pending each day of the [C]year, Whi[G7]te Ferra[F]ri
[D7] Good times[F][C][G]
In this l[F]ife, life
In this l[D7]ife, life[F][E][G]
[F]One too many years
Some tatt[E]ooed eyeli[G]ds on a fac[F]elift[E][G]
M[F]ind over matter is m[E]agic[G]
I do ma[F]gic[E]
[G]If you think abo[F]ut it it's over in no time the best l[G]ife
[F] [Em] [G] [F]
C G F 4 x


[C] [G] I'[F]m sure we're taller in ano[C]ther dimen[G]sion
Y[F]ou say we're small and [C]not worth the m[G]ention
Y[F]ou're tired of movin', [C]your body's a[G]chin'
W[F]e could vacay, there's [C]places to[G] go
C[F]learly this isn't [C]all that there i[G]s
Can't ta[F]ke what's been given
But we[C]'re so ok[G]ay here, we[F]'re doing fine
P[C]rimal and n[G]aked
Y[F]ou dream of walls that h[C]old us in pr[G]ison
I[F]t's just a skull, least t[C]hat's what they c[G]all it
And we[C]'re free to roam

Chords List

Chord: White Ferrari - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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