Hợp âm - tab: Walk Like Thunder - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Walk Like Thunder - ( [Intro] D F C D x2 [Verse] I [D]have this new t[F]attoo ...)

D F C D x2

I [D]have this new t[F]attoo of which the [C]story must be [D]told
Ab[D]out the night I [F]almost overd[C]osed ten years [D]ago
I [D]woke up in the [F]hospital with [C]skin clammy and [D]cold
And [D]tubes in my ur[F]ethra, down my [C]throat, and up my [D]nose
My [D]friends and the [F]doctors were all [C]shocked I wasn't [D]dead
That's[D] when Katrina [F]looked at me and [C]this is what she [D]said

Walk like th[D]under[F][C][D]
Walk like th[D]under[F][C][D]
Walk like th[D]under[F][C][D]
Walk like th[D]under[F][C][D]

So I [D]walked to the re[F]bel spot, I w[C]alked all over up[D]town
I [D]walked right side [F]up and I [C]walked upside [D]down
I [D]walked to Chetze[F]moka with my [C]eyes fixed on the [D]ground yeah
We [D]walked all over [F]Chetze Beach and k[C]ept the rocks we f[D]ound

Then I [D]walked back to my [F]parents' house, I walked b[C]ack to my old b[D]ed yeah
I walked b[D]ack and I walked fast[F] past all the[C] voices in my h[D]ead
I [D]walked with the [F]sweats and I [C]walked with the [D]chills
I walked[D] in New York Cit[F]y and I [C]walked in Bedford [D]Hills

I walked [D]into open mi[F]c nights and I [C]walked into the r[D]ooms
I walked [D]feeling optimist[F]ic and I w[C]alked feeling d[D]oomed
I [D]walked with some m[F]ama's boys and I [C]walked with some [D]punks
I walked d[D]ressed up like a r[F]abbit, I walked [C]dressed up like a s[D]kunk

I [D]walked with some g[F]ivers and I [C]walked with some l[D]eeches
I walked[D] all by mysel[F]f and I walked [C]with the Moldy [D]Peaches
I walked [D]all over the wor[F]ld so I could [C]sing my songs to [D]you
And to [D]your most desperate [F]emails I said, '[C]This is what I [D]do.'

I Walk like [D]thund[F]er[C][D]
Walk like th[D]under[F][C][D]
Walk like th[D]under[F] [C][D]
Walk like th[D]under[F][C][D]

But at [D]some point I [F]got so com[C]fortable[D]
That I [D]didn't even re[F]alize that I[C]'d started to c[D]rawl
Then my [D]old friend Ammi [F]died at 37[C] of a heart attac[D]k
And I c[D]racked cause people my [F]age are not su[C]pposed to die like t[D]hat
No no no [D]no people my a[F]ge are not sup[C]posed to die like [D]that

He was the [D]old manage[F]r of the s[C]idewalk cafe[D]
That [D]place was a second [F]home to me, it's [C]where I learned to [D]play
And his p[D]ersonalit[F]y really he[C]lped create a s[D]pace
Where a [D]bunch of honest mis[F]fits could all g[C]ather and feel [D]safe

He was a [D]cynic, a supp[F]orter, he was c[C]razy, he was qu[D]eer
He'd either y[D]ell out, 'Cut the b[F]ullsht' or he'd [C]say, 'I'm glad you're [D]here.'
And it was [D]always such an h[F]onour to have A[C]mmi on my sid[D]e
That's why i[D]t hit me like a [F]Mack truck when [C]I found out that he[D] died
Yeah, it [D]hit me like a Mac[F]k truck when I[C] found that he [D]died

Then enter A[D]lex, 33 [F]years old and s[C]o sick with th[D]e cancer
And [D]trapped inside a [F]body that b[C]etrayed his real g[D]ender
We [D]all hoped and pr[F]ayed that he would [C]go into remissi[D]on
At least [D]long enough, just l[F]ong enough to comp[C]lete his trans[D]ition
He said, '[D]Kimya, did you k[F]now Elevent[C]een's my favourite s[D]ong?'
I said, 'Then[D] get your ass on s[F]tage right now and [C]you can sing al[D]ong.'

That's the [D]very first so[F]ng I ever wr[C]ote all by myse[D]lf
It's about a[D]ngels and reco[F]very and fri[C]ends and hope and h[D]ealth
By the [D]time we finished s[F]inging he was p[C]sed off, he was s[D]cared
He said, 'I [D]lost my home, my l[F]over, my insu[C]rance, and my h[D]air.
And [D]now I'm abo[F]ut to lose you t[C]oo, my new frie[D]nd.'
I l[D]ooked into those [F]big blue eyes and s[C]aid we'll meet [D]again
Yeah [D]I looked into his s[F]ad blue eyes and sa[C]id we'll meet a[D]gain

Then I got the [D]phone call from [F]Alyssa and she [C]told me he was [D]dying
By the [D]time I got to his bed[F]side we were [C]both already fl[D]ying
We held [D]hands and we sang s[F]ongs, tried to be [C]strong floated [D]around
While I c[D]ursed the skin that [F]he was in for all the w[C]ays it had let him [D]down
Yeah I c[D]ursed the skin that h[F]e was in for all the wa[C]ys it had let him d[D]own

But at the [D]same time I was [F]taking my ow[C]n body for gran[D]ted
F[D]irst I lost sigh[F]t of my feet [C]then they became unp[D]lanted
And I [D]never felt so s[F]tupid or so [C]selfish or so s[D]ad yeah
My [D]body had been g[F]ood to me and I [C]treated it so b[D]ad yeah
My[D] body had been g[F]ood to me and I [C]treated it so b[D]ad

Then he said, '[D]Mama, I don't w[F]ant my f[C]riends to watch me [D]die.'
So I [D]kissed his cheek, made him a [F]shirt, and t[C]hen I said good[D]bye
And they [D]cremated [F]him in the s[C]hirt that I dre[D]w
Of the t[D]wo of us that sa[F]id they're flying [C]over you t[D]oo
Now the [D]silver pink po[F]nies have my [C]homie in their [D]crew
So I [D]tightened up my l[F]aces and knew [C]what I had to d[D]o

I started [D]walking [F]again[C][D]
I started [D]walking [F]again,[C] I miss my f[D]riends
I started [D]walking [F]again[C][D]
I started [D]walking [F]again,[C] I miss my f[D]riends
Walk like [D]thunder[F][C][D]

Danh sách hợp âm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

Hợp âm: Walk Like Thunder - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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