Hợp âm - tab: Unglued - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Unglued - ( UNGLUED - Fair Love this song! I've just started list...)

5 years ago557 Fair




Love this song! I've just started listening to this band today, and i havent spent
like.. more than an hour not listening to them. anyways. this is my first real
attempt at chording a song by ear. I saw there's another version up, however it is
completely wrong. so. here goes. :P

Tabbed by: John Bentley
Email: bentley542@hotmail.com

Tuning: Standard

Chords used:

A#m: C#: F#: G#:

e|--x e|--x e|--x e|--x
B|--x B|--x B|--x B|--x
G|--3 G|--6 G|--x G|--x
D|--3 D|--6 D|--4 D|--6
A|--1 A|--4 A|--4 A|--6
E|--x E|--x E|--2 E|--4

A# C# x2
F# G# x2

[A#]This is the first thing I can rememb[C#]er I came unglued X2[A#]
[F#]Last on board when the ship went down when the[G#] ship went down X2[F#]
(This section plays through twice)^^^

[C#]Speak to me now till I [C#/C]dont feel a thing
Until [G#]winter gives way to s[F#]pring X2

[F#] [G#]

[A#m]This is the first thing I can remembe[C#]r I came unglued X2[A#m]
[F#]Last on board when the ship went down when the[G#] ship went down X2[F#]
(Again, twice ^^^)

( Tab from: http://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/f/fair/unglued_crd_ver_2.html )
[C#]Speak to me now till I [C#/C]dont feel a thing
Until [G#]winter gives way to s[F#]pring X2

then there is this little solo thingy...


[C#]You are the one that I los[C#/C]t
Ive been taking all the back roads [G#]home
When everything thats held me back now become[F#]s whats making me come undone
[C#]On the ceiling is a secret door[C#/C]
and Ive finally found the words to [G#]prove
When everything was tragic at once it made me [F#]come unglued

Email me if it needs some fixinz. kthanks.

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: Unglued - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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