Chord/Tab song: Uncle Lloyd

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Uncle Lloyd - ( VERSE 1 He was [(G)]not my fathers brother But he wished ...)

He was [(G)]not my fathers brother
But he wished that [(F)]he could [(C)]be
Told us [(F)]kids to call him uncle
And we would [(D)]be his fam[(C)]ily
He had a [(G)]wife and kids in Fresno
The youngest one was [(F)]twenty-f[(C)]our
Dad had b[(F)]rought him into our house
They didnt [(D)]want him an[(C)]ymore

He helped us [(G)]work the family business
Building fences [(F)]in the s[(C)]un
Worked just [(F)]like a man of twenty
Til the wo[(D)]rking day was[(C)] done
He and [(G)]Dad would spend their evening
Sitting in lawn chairs [(F)]in the y[(C)]ard
Where theyd d[(F)]rink a toast to Seagrams
Seagrams [(D)]never went down [(C)]hard

Wont you [(G)]wake up Uncle Lloyd
Got a lot of w[(F)]ork t[(C)]oday
Well get [(F)]Don to make the coffee
Load that [(D)]truck and be on your [(C)]way
Friday [(G)]night you can drive to Vegas
Maybe this time [(F)]you will [(C)]win
Buy a t[(F)]railer by the river
And you wont [(D)]have to work [(C)]again

He was s[(G)]leeping in the workroom
With a mattress [(F)]on the f[(C)]loor
When one n[(F)]ight I heard him crying
As I passed ou[(D)]tside his [(C)]door
He cried, "[(G)]Rita, girl I love you
Rita, Darling pl[(F)]ease dont[(C)] go
Ive tried h[(F)]ard to make you happy
Ive done ev[(D)]erything I k[(C)]now"

Then I h[(G)]eard the bottle open
The tipping up and [(F)]putting [(C)]down
Heard the r[(F)]ustling of the covers
Then he did not [(D)]make a so[(C)]und
I thought of [(G)]thirty years of Rita
Standing sternly [(F)]by his s[(C)]ide
All the y[(F)]ears of hanging in there
All the em[(D)]ptiness i[(C)]nside

Then I t[(G)]hought of how their children
Have children [(F)]of their[(C)] own
And how a [(F)]man at fifty-seven
Winds up living[(D)] so a[(C)]lone

Chords List

Chord: Uncle Lloyd - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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