Chord/Tab song: The Way Home

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: The Way Home - ( Lying still, hea[A]d awake, [D][A] [F#m]eyes closed tight...)

Lying still, hea[A]d awake, [D][A]
[F#m]eyes closed tight and [E]thoughts abla[A]ze,
It's c[A]oursing like a river going [D]through my m[A]ind,
[F#m]taking hits from the h[E]ands of t[A]ime.

[A] [D] [A] [F#m] [E] [A]

[A]Silence can [D]be so [A]odd,
it's like l[F#m]ooking around for the [E]eyes of G[A]od,
There's a t[A]ruth somewhere that I j[D]ust can't fi[A]nd,
[F#m]taking hits from the [E]hands of t[A]ime.

[A] [D] [A] [F#m] [E] [A]
And I w[A]onder if you were h[D]ere right n[A]ow,
would you [F#m]sit with me beneath this d[E]arkened sh[A]roud?
In this pr[A]ison built from b[D]ricks of sha[A]me,
I want to [F#m]tear it down [E]to the f[A]rame.

[A] [D] [A] [F#m] [E] [A]

If you sm[A]ash your life up aga[D]inst the [A]wall,
you want to [F#m]break it like a bottle and [E]just let[A] go,
But I don't k[A]now if there's a G[D]od at [A]all,
I just [F#m]know I can't live like [E]this no [A]more,
I just [F#m]know I can't live like [E]this no [A]more.

And the h[F#m]ours go by endlessly, and the d[D]ays were spent breathlessly,
and the n[F#m]ights begging for some sleep. Oh the [A]endless time alone.
And the f[F#m]aces of the boys in line, there was f[E]ear in their eyes, and they all,
We just want to find a way [A]home [D] [A] [F#m]home[E][A]

[A]hom[D]e [A] [F#m]home[E][A]

I can h[A]ear the birds, see the l[D]ight outs[A]ide,
stand [F#m]up like a man and sw[E]allow my [A]pride,
I can w[A]rite these words down [D]in a r[A]hyme.
They've been [F#m]beaten from me by the [E]hands of t[A]ime.

I don't k[A]now why it's al[D]ways this[A] way,
and I h[F#m]ang my head low in the [E]light of [A]day,
All I kn[A]ow is I'm tired of b[D]eing afr[A]aid,
I got to [F#m]walk this road on these br[E]icks I've l[A]aid.

All the t[F#m]rumpets and the marching bands, the t[D]hunder claps and trembling hands,
all the [F#m]people stood up in the stands, and I [A]just felt so alone,
'Cause the h[F#m]alos looked like rusted chains in the l[E]ight As we screamed in the dark,
I just wanted to find a way [A]home[D][A][F#m][E][A]

[A] [D] [A] [F#m] [E] [A] [A] [A]
[A]The truth is I'm not b[D]rave or s[A]ure,
I just [F#m]know I can't live like [E]this no [A]more,
I don't k[A]now what I've been w[D]aiting f[A]or,
I just [F#m]know I can't live like [E]this no [A]more.

[A]The truth is I'm not b[D]rave or s[A]ure,
I just [F#m]know I can't live like [E]this no [A]more,
I don't k[A]now what I've been w[D]aiting f[A]or,
I just [F#m]know I can't live like [E]this no [A]more.

And I don't k[A]now if this road will end [D]at your do[A]or,
I just [F#m]know I can't live like [E]this no [A]more,
I don't [A]even know what I'm [D]heading f[A]or,
I just [F#m]know I can't live like [E]this no [A]more.
I just [F#m]know I can't live like [E]this no [A]more.

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F#m1fr2fr3fr4fr134111
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo

Chord: The Way Home - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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