Hợp âm - tab: The Shadow of Your Smile - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: The Shadow of Your Smile - ( [Em]The shadow of your [F#m7]smile when [B7]you are g[Em]...)

4 years ago1640Other Songs Tony Bennett
[Em]The shadow of your [F#m7]smile when [B7]you are g[Em]one,[A9]

[Em]Will color all my [Am7]dreams and l[D7]ight the [G]dawn.

[CM7]Look into my [F#m7]eyes, my l[B7]ove, and s[Em]ee[B+][Em7]

[Em6]All the lovely [F#7]things you [C7]are to [F#m7]me.[B7]

(N.C.) F#m7 B7 Em B+ Em7
Our wistful little star went far too high;

A [Em6]teardrop kissed your l[Am7]ips, and [D7]so did[Bm7-5] I.[E7]

Now when I re[Am7]member spring,[Cm7]

A[F7]ll the joy[Bm7-5] that love can bring,[E7]

I will be rem[A7]embering [Am7] the s[D9]hadow[D7/9] of yo[D7]ur sm[G]ile.[Cdim][B7]

(Instrumental interlude: 1st verse)

(N.C.) F#m7 B7 Em B+ Em7
Our wistful little star went far too high;

A tear[Em6]drop kissed your l[Am7]ips, and [D7]so di[Bm7-5]d I.[E7]

Now when I re[Am7]member spring[Cm7],

A[F7]ll the joy that [Bm7-5]love can bring,[E7]

I will be rem[A7]embering[Am7]

The s[D9]hadow[D7/9] of your sm[G]ile.[Gdim][Am7][Cm7][G]

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: The Shadow of Your Smile - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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