Chord/Tab song: The Saddest Thing I Know

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: The Saddest Thing I Know - ( How lo[E]ng you been asleep at the wh[Am]eel? Out of cont...)

How lo[E]ng you been asleep at the wh[Am]eel? Out of contr[E]ol gathering up sp[Am]eed
Your heart is on the da[E]shboard, head's in the str[Am]eet I hope that you wa[G]ke up
in t[E]ime to scream

12-8-10-7-8-5-7-0-12-8-10-8-7- High E string trill picking (rapid)

R[E]ace me for tail or for h[Am]eads Your attitude is m[E]ud and your promise is de[Am]ad
You counteract the fu[E]el with the drink and the dr[Am]ugs It's not what you d[E]id,
it's what you will [Am]do So take another tu[E]rn on the merry-go-rou[Am]nd Your
numbers all come u[E]p now you're king of the t[Am]own So buckle up and ch[E]ase
yourself a new th[Am]rill You're never going to fe[G]el like be[E]fore

Y[Am]ou keep coming back for mo[E]re to find the o[Am]ld wolf knocking on your do[E]or
Say man, you ar[C]e the sad[G]dest thing I kn[E]ow
You got a c[Am]old sweat begging for a sc[E]ore, you lose it a[Am]ll as you stumble to
the fl[E]oor Say man, you a[C]re the sa[G]ddest thing I kn[E]ow

12-8-10-7-8-5-7-0-12-15-10-7-8-10-12- High E string trill pick

Y[Am]ou keep coming up for a[E]ir to find your o[Am]wn foot pushing on your he[E]ad
Say man, you a[C]re the sad[G]dest thing I kn[E]ow
I see that dr[Am]ied up blood that's in your h[E]air, you've got the o[Am]ld
kaleidoscopic st[E]are Say man, you a[C]re the sad[G]dest thing I kn[E]ow

W[E]hen are you going to finally adm[Am]it it's the end of the li[E]ne, you've been
hammered and [Am]hit Your body is a wr[E]eck and your mind is am[Am]iss I know what you
wa[E]nt, I think this is i[Am]t

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

Chord: The Saddest Thing I Know - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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