Chord/Tab song: The Holy Ground

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: The Holy Ground - ( Adeiu to you my Di[D]nah, [A]A thous[D]and[D] times adie[...)

Adeiu to you my Di[D]nah, [A]A thous[D]and[D] times adie[D]u[A][D]
We are go[D]ing a[Bm]way from the H[G]oly Gro[A]und, And the g[D]irl that we loved t[A]rue
We'll s[D]ail the s[A]alt sea o[D]ve[D]r, And t[D]hen re[Bm]turn once [G]mor[A]e
To s[D]ee a[Bm]gain, The g[G]irl we lo[D]ved, And the H[D]oly Gro[A]und once m[D]ore: FINE GIRL YA'ARE

The g[D]irl I [Bm]do a[G]do[A]re
And st[D]ill I l[Bm]ive in h[G]ope to s[D]ee, The H[D]oly Gr[A]ound once mo[D]re: FINE GIRL YA'ARE

And n[D]ow the st[A]orm is r[D]agi[D]ng, And [D]we are f[A]ar from sh[D]ore
And the go[D]od old s[Bm]hip is tos[G]sing ab[A]out, And the rig[D]ging is all t[A]ore
And the se[D]cret o[A]f my mi[D]nd, My d[D]ear, You're the gi[D]rl I [Bm]do a[G]do[A]re
And st[D]ill I l[Bm]ive in ho[G]pes to s[D]ee, The H[D]oly Gr[A]ound once m[D]ore: FINE GIRL YA'ARE

The g[D]irl I [Bm]do a[G]do[A]re
And st[D]ill I l[Bm]ive in h[G]ope to s[D]ee, The H[D]oly Gr[A]ound once m[D]ore: FINE GIRL YA'ARE

And n[D]ow the st[A]orm is o[D]ve[D]r, [D]We are s[A]afe and we[D]ll
We'll [D]go i[Bm]nto a pu[G]blic ho[A]use, And we'll s[D]it and drink like H[A]ell
We will dr[D]ink strong a[A]le and p[D]ort[D]er, And m[D]ake the ra[Bm]fters [G]ro[A]ar
And w[D]hen our m[Bm]oney [G]is all sp[D]ent, We'll [D]go to s[A]ea once m[D]ore: FINE GIRL YA'ARE

The g[D]irl I [Bm]do a[G]do[A]re
And st[D]ill I l[Bm]ive in ho[G]pe to s[D]ee, The H[D]oly Gr[A]ound once m[D]ore: FINE GIRL YA'ARE

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

Chord: The Holy Ground - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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