Chord/Tab song: The Gas Man Cometh

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: The Gas Man Cometh - ( Song: The gas man cometh Tabbed by: DJ 28th July 2013 Tu...)

5 years ago974 Flanders and Swann
Song: The gas man cometh
Tabbed by: DJ
28th July 2013

Tuning: Standard

C x32010 G 320003
G/B x30003 D xx0232
A7 x01010 G7 320001
D7 xx0212 A9 x02022

| [C]/ / [G/B] / / | [A7] / [D7]/ [G]/ [D7]/ |

'Twas [G]on a Monday mo[D7]rning, the G[G]as - man c[D7]ame to c[G]all,
The g[C]as tap wouldn't t[G]urn, I wasn't get[A7]ting gas at a[D]ll,[D7]
He t[G]ore out all the sk[G7]irting boards, to t[C]ry and [G/B]find the m[A7]ain,
And I h[C]ad to call a car[G/B]penter to [A7]put them b[D7]ack a - g[G]ain,
[D]Oh..., [D7]it a[G]ll m[D7]akes w[G]ork for the wor[C]king [D7]man to [G]do! | [C]/ / [D7]/ / |

'Twas o[G]n a Tuesday mo[D7]rning, the Ca[G]rpen - [D7]ter came 'ro[G]und,
He ham[C]mered, and he ch[G]iselled, and he said," Lo[A7]ok what I've fo[D]und![D7]
Your j[G]oists are full of d[G7]ry - rot, but I'll p[C]ut it [G/B]all to ri[A7]ghts!"
Then he n[C]ailed right through a c[G/B]able, ...and o[A7]ut went [D7]all the li[G]ghts,
[D]Oh..., [D7]it a[G]ll m[D7]akes w[G]ork for the wor[C]king [D7]man to [G]do! | [C]/ / [D7]/ / |

'Twas o[G]n a Wednesday mo[D7]rning, the El[G]ec - tr[D7]ician c[G]ame,
He ca[C]lled me Mr. Sa[G]nderson, which i[A7]sn't quite my n[D]ame,[D7]
He cou[G]ldn't reach the fu[G7]sebox without st[C]anding[G/B] on the [A7]bin,
And his f[C]oot went through a w[G/B]indow, so I ca[A7]lled a Gl[D7]azier [G]in,
[D]Oh..., [D7]it a[G]ll m[D7]akes w[G]ork for the wor[C]king [D7]man to [G]do! | [C]/ / [D7]/ / |

'Twas [G]on a Thursday m[D7]orning, the Gla[G]zier c[D7]ame a - l[G]ong,
With his bl[C]ow torch, and his pu[G]tty, and his m[A7]erry...[A9]Glaz - [A7]iers...s[D7]ong,
He p[G]ut another p[G7]ane in, it t[C]ook no t[G/B]ime at [A7]all,
But I h[C]ad to get a p[G/B]ainter in to c[A7]ome and p[D7]aint the w[G]all,
[D]Oh..., [D7]it a[G]ll m[D7]akes w[G]ork for the wor[C]king [D7]man to [G]do! | [C]/ / [D7]/ / |

'Twas o[G]n a Friday mo[D7]rning, the Pa[G]inter m[D7]ade a s[G]tart,
With und[C]ercoats, and ov[G]er coats, he p[A7]ainted every p[D]art,[D7]
Every no[G]ok, and very c[G7]ranny, but I f[C]ound when[G/B] he was g[A7]one...
...He'd pai[C]nted over the [G/B]gas-tap, and I co[A7]uldn't t[D7]urn it [G]on,
[D]Oh..., [D7]it a[G]ll m[D7]akes w[G]ork for the wor[C]king [D7]man to [G]do!

[D7]On Sat[G]urday, and S[G7]unday, they [C]do no [G/B]work at [A7]all...
So, 'twas o[C]n a Monday mor[G]ning that the g[A7]as-man c[D7]ame to c[G]all![D7][G]

Chords List

Chord: The Gas Man Cometh - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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