Chord/Tab song: Teenage Dirtbag

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Teenage Dirtbag - ( I use a capo on first but that isn't neccesary, it just s...)

5 years ago1992Wheatus (2000) Wheatus
I use a capo on first but that isn't neccesary, it just suits my voice better :)


[E] [B] [E] [A] [E] [B] [E] [A]
Verse 1:
Her [E]name is Loe[B]lle,
[E]I have a drea[A]m about her.
[E]She rings my b[B]ell.
I got [E]gym class in ha[A]lf an hour.
[E]Oh, how she r[B]ocks,
In [E]kids and tuve s[A]ocks,
But [C#m]she doesn't k[A]now who i a[B]m,
And [C#m]she doesn't g[A]ive a d[B]amn about me.

Chorus 1:
'Cause [E]I'm just a [A]teenage di[B]rtbag, [C#m]baby.[G#m]
Yeah [E]I'm just a [A]teenage di[B]rtbag, [C#m]baby.[G#m]
[E]Listen to [A]Iron Mai[B]den, [C#m]Baby, [G#m]with m[E]e.[A][(6/4)][B][C#m][G#m][A][B]

Same Chords as intro for Link:

Same Chords as Verse 1 for Verse 2:

Her boyfriends a dick
and he brings a gun to school,
And he'd simply kick
My ass if he knew the truth.
He lives on my block
And he drives an Iroc
But he doesn't know who i am,
And he doesn't give a damn about me.

Same Chords as Chorus 1 For Chorus 2:
'Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby.
Yeah I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby.
Listen to Iron Maiden, Baby, with me.
( Tab from: )
[E] [Asus2] [E] [Asus2] [E] [Asus2]

Yeeah, -------- Dirtbag, ----------

No, [C#m]She doesn[G#m]'t know [A]what she's m[B]issing.

[E] [Asus2] [E] [Asus2] [E] [Asus2]

Yeeah, -------- Dirtbag, ----------

No, [C#m]She doesn[G#m]'t know [A]what she's m[B]issing.

[E] [B] [E] [A]
Same Chords as previous verse for Verse 3:

Man, i feel like mould,
It's prom night and i am lonely.
Lo and behold:
She's walking over to me.
This must be fake,
My lip starts to shake.
How does she know who i am?
And why does she give a damn about?

Chorus 3: (same chords but softer than previous chorus', possibly pluck certain notes)

I've got two tickets to iron maiden, baby,
Come with me friday, don't say maybe.
I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby like you.

Bridge 2:
[E] [Asus2] [E] [Asus2] [E] [Asus2]

Yeeah, -------- Dirtbag, ----------

No, [C#m]She doesn[G#m]'t know [A]what she's m[B]issing.

[E] [Asus2] [E] [Asus2] [E] [Asus2]

Yeeah, -------- Dirtbag, ----------

No, [C#m]She doesn[G#m]'t know [A]what she'[B]s [E]mis - [B]sing.

Outro, (similar to intro):
E B E... A (G#m) (F#m) E

Chords List

Chord: Teenage Dirtbag - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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