Tab Entry: Sundown Motel
by: Stavesacre
CD: Speakeasy
1999 Stavesacre / Tooth and Nail Records
Tabbed by tarless Night - [email protected]
dropped d tuning
~ continue strumming (listen to song for strumming pattern)
/ slide up
\ slide down
() palm mute
Intro (not sure if the intro is correct..)
Verse riff (play 6x)
Chorus (guitar1 - play twice)
(guitar2, comes right after the 2-2-2h4-0.. at which point guitar1 starts back over
at the 9)
Play Pre-Chorus again
then strum the 4 a few times... then play prechorus again, and then
play this...
then go back to the verse riff..
play pre-chorus again..
then chorus again... then pre-chorus again... same as before
now the rest of the song I'm not real sure about.... something like this..
repeat that 2x
then play this...
play verse riff 2x...
then play pre-chorus.. only exception is don't mute the 222000555000222 thing..
play it open.
then play the chorus
end the song with 2-(2)-(2)-2/4 0
by: Stavesacre
CD: Speakeasy
1999 Stavesacre / Tooth and Nail Records
Tabbed by tarless Night - [email protected]
dropped d tuning
~ continue strumming (listen to song for strumming pattern)
/ slide up
\ slide down
() palm mute
Intro (not sure if the intro is correct..)
[g]-11~ ---------12~ ----------14~ ----------6~ ------------------
[d]-11~ ---------12~ ----------14~ ----------6~ ------------------
[a]--9~ ---------10~ ----------12~ ----------4~ ------------------
[g]-11~ ---------12~ ----------6~ --------------------------------
[d]-11~ ---------12~ ----------6~ --------------------------------
[a]--9~ ---------10~ ----------4~ --------------------------------
Verse riff (play 6x)
[d]-2~ ----5~ ----(2)(2)(2)(0)(0)(0)(5)(5)(5)(0)(0)(0)(2)(2)(2)---
[a]-2~ ----5~ ----(2)(2)(2)(0)(0)(0)(5)(5)(5)(0)(0)(0)(2)(2)(2)---
[D]-2~ ----5~ ----(2)(2)(2)(0)(0)(0)(5)(5)(5)(0)(0)(0)(2)(2)(2)---
Chorus (guitar1 - play twice)
(guitar2, comes right after the 2-2-2h4-0.. at which point guitar1 starts back over
at the 9)
[g]-11~ ------------12~ --------------14~ ----------------6~ -----
[a]--9~ ------------10~ --------------12~ ----------------4~ -----
[g]-11~ ------------12~ ---------------6~ --------7~ -------------
[a]--9~ ------------10~ ---------------4~ --------5~ -------------
Play Pre-Chorus again
then strum the 4 a few times... then play prechorus again, and then
play this...
then go back to the verse riff..
play pre-chorus again..
then chorus again... then pre-chorus again... same as before
now the rest of the song I'm not real sure about.... something like this..
[d]-5~ ----------0~ ----------5~ ----------0~ --------------------
[a]-5~ ----------0~ ----------5~ ----------0~ --------------------
[D]-5~ ----------0~ ----------5~ ----------0~ --------------------
[g]-7~ -----------------------7~ -------------9~ -----11~ ----7~ -
[a]-5~ -----------------------5~ -------------7~ ------9~ ----5~ -
repeat that 2x
then play this...
play verse riff 2x...
then play pre-chorus.. only exception is don't mute the 222000555000222 thing..
play it open.
then play the chorus
end the song with 2-(2)-(2)-2/4 0