Chord/Tab song: Snap Your Fingers

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Snap Your Fingers - ( (E7) A (A6 A7) D ( D alt Cdim (III)) Snap your fingers, I...)

5 years ago1707 Joe Henderson
(E7) A (A6 A7) D ( D alt Cdim (III))
Snap your fingers, I'll come running

[Cdim]Back to y[A]ou, [(A6] [A7)] on bended kn[E]ee [(E6][E7)]

A (A6 A7) D ( D alt )
Snap your fingers, I'll come running

[Cdim]I'll be t[A]rue, [A6] [E] take a c[E7]hance on m[A]e. [(][Edim][E7][)]

(E7) A (A6 A7) D (D alt Cdim(III))
Let your light turn green, baby I've gotta know

Give me [Cdim]some kind of [A]clu[(A6]e, [A7)] should I stay or [E]go[(] [E6][E7][)]

A (A6 A7) D ( D alt Cdim(III) )
Let me love you like the lover that you used to know

[Cdim]Turn the ke[A]y [A6] [E] and let me t[E7]hrough that d[A]oor.


Oh I h[D]ad it, but I [Dm6]lost it,

Now I've [A]got a broken h[D9]eart to m[A]end

But I[D] don't care w[B7]hat the cost,

I've just g[E7]ot to find my [Cdim]way back [E7]in.

So you just snap your fi[A]ngers, [(A6] [A7)]

D ( D alt Cdim(III) )
baby I'll come running

I'll[Cdim] do anyth[A]ing[(] [A6] [E7] t[)]o get you[Bm7-5] back [E7] a - ga[A]in.

Chords List

Chord: Snap Your Fingers - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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