Chord/Tab song: Send Me a Song

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Send Me a Song - ( Celtic Woman "Send Me a Song" I've seen a lot of people a...)

Celtic Woman "Send Me a Song"
I've seen a lot of people asking for this song. So i listened to the song and tried to
out chords that matched the song. I have NO idea if it's 100% correct or not. I know i'll
get comments saying it "sounds nothing like it" and all that jazz, but i tried. If you
any helpful suggestions, please comment and let me know. :) Well, hopefully you guys
get some use out of this! I love this song and no one has ever put chords to it
at least none that i can find. So Enjoy!!

C, C, C, G x2

[C]Take the w[G]ave now and k[Em]now that you're f[Am]ree,
[C]Turn your [G]back on the l[Em]and face the [Am]sea,
[G]Face the w[C]ind now so w[Am]ild and so st[C]rong,
[C]When you th[G]ink of me,
[C]Wave to me and [G]send me a s[C]ong.

[C]Don't look b[G]ack when you r[Em]each the new sh[Am]ore,
[C]Don't forget w[G]hat you're l[Em]eaving me f[Am]or,
[G]Don't forg[G]et when you're m[Am]issing me [C]so,
[C]Love must n[G]ever hold,
[C]Never hold t[G]ight but let [C]go.

[C]Oh the n[G]ights will be l[Em]ong,
When I'm n[Am]ot in your a[C]rms,
[C] [G] [Em] [Am][C]
But [G]I'll be [Em]in y[Am]our song, That you sing to me, across the sea.
[Em]Somehow, so[Am]meday, y[C]ou will b[G]e far a[Em]way,
So f[Am]ar from me[C] and m[G]aybe one d[Em]ay,[Am]
I will fo[C]llow y[G]ou,
[Em]And all you [Am]do,
[C]'Til t[G]hen, [Am]send [G]me a [C]song.

[C]When the s[G]un sets the [Em]water on [Am]fire,
[C]When the w[G]ind swells the [Em]sails of you[Am]r hire,
[G]Let the c[C]all of the [Am]bird on the [C]wind,
[G]Calm your s[C]adness and l[Am]oneliness,
And t[G]hen start to s[C]ing to me,
I will sing to yo[D]u,
If you pro[C]mise to s[G]end me a s[C]ong.
[C]I [G]walk by the s[C]hore and I h[G]ear,
[C]Hear your s[G]ong come so f[C]aint,
And so c[Am]lear,
And I ca[G]tch it, a br[C]eath on the w[G]ind,
And I sm[G]ile and I s[C]ing you a s[G]ong,
I will send you a s[C]ong...
[C]I will sing you a song,
[C]I will sing to y[G]ou...
C G C (or you can do Em, Am, C in their place)
If you promise to send me a song.

Hope you enjoyed it!!!

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132

Chord: Send Me a Song - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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