Chord/Tab song: Romeo Is Bleeding

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Romeo Is Bleeding - ( [Verse] [Bm]Romeo is bleeding, but [F#9]not so as you'd n...)

[Bm]Romeo is bleeding, but [F#9]not so as you'd notice,
He's [Bm]over on 18th street as usu - [F#9]al
[Bm]Lookin' so hard a - gainst the [F#9]hood of his car
And [Bm]puttin' out a cigarette in his [F#9]hand

For all the [Bm]pachucos at the pumps At Ro[F#9]mero's Paint and Body
They're all seein' how [Bm]far they can spit, well, it was [F#9]just another night
And now they're [Bm]huddled in the brake lights of a [F#9]fifty-eight Bel-Air
And [Bm]listenin' to how Romeo killed a s[F#9]heriff with his knife

And they all [Bm]jump when they hear the sirens, But [F#9]Romeo just laughs
"All the [Bm]racket in the world ain't never gonna [F#9]save that Coppers' ass
He ain't [Bm]never gonna see another summertime for [F#9]gunnin' down my brother
[Bm]Leavin' him like a dog, beneath a [F#9]car without his knife"

Romeo says," [Bm]Hey man, gimme a cigarette", and they [F#9]all reach for their pack
[Bm]Frank - ie lights it for him and [F#9]pats him on the back
An' throws a [Bm]bottle at a milk truck, and as it [F#9]breaks, he grabs his nuts
An' they all [Bm]know, they could be just like Romeo if they [F#9]only had the guts


[Bm]Romeo is bleeding, but [F#9] no - body can tell
An' he [Bm]sings along with the radi With a [F#9]bul - et in his chest
An' he [Bm]combs back his fenders they [F#9]all agree it's clear
That [Bm]ev - rything is cool, now that [F#9]Ro - meo is here


[Bm]Romeo is bleeding and he [F#9]winces now an' then
And he [Bm]leans against the car door, feels the [F#9]blood in his shoes
Someone's [Bm]cryin' at the 5 Points, the [F#9]phone booth by the store
[Bm]Romeo starts his engines, the [F#9]blood off the door


And he [Bm]brodies through the signal With the [F#9]radio full blast
Leavin' the [Bm]boys there__ hikin' up their chi -[F#9] nos
And now they're [Bm]all tryin' to stand like Romeo, with the [F#9]Moon cut like a sickle
[Bm]And they're talkin' now in Spanish, all a - [F#9]bout their hero


[Bm]Romeo is bleeding as he [F#9]gives the man his ticket
And he [Bm]climbs the balcony at the [F#9]mo - vies
And he'll [Bm]die without a whimper like [F#9]e - very hero's dream
Like an [Bm]an - gel with a bullet and [F#9]Cag - ney on a screen


[Bm]Romeo is bleed - ing[F#9] [Bm]Romeo is bleed - ing[F#9] Hey, man
[Bm]Romeo is bleeding [F#9] [Bm]Hey man, Romeo is bl[F#9]eeding...

[Bm]Romeo is bleed - in[F#9]g [Bm]Romeo is bleed - ing[F#9] Hey, man
[Bm]Romeo is bleeding [F#9] [Bm]Hey man, Romeo is bl[F#9]eeding...
[Bm]Hey, pachuco! [F#9] Hey, pachuco![Bm][F#9]
[Bm]Dame esa pistola, h[F#9]ombre! Hago la lucha[Bm]! [F#9]
[Bm]Ay, que pinche panc[F#9]ho! Vamos a dormir, h[Bm]ombre! [F#9]

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F#91fr2fr3fr4fr131214

Chord: Romeo Is Bleeding - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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