Chord/Tab song: Rest of the Day Off

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Rest of the Day Off - ( ?Rest Of The Day Off? by Neil Finn from his album ?One Ni...)

?Rest Of The Day Off? by Neil Finn
from his album ?One Nil?

Tabbed by M. Jones (


D D A G 2

Verse One:

[D]Totally [D]wired and the game is up[A]
I?m [G]under the table
You [D]carry my heart in the palm of your hand
As the [A]clouds roll in, the party wa[G]s rained out
[D]Open up to find a man made home
And by [A]four o?clock when the sun [G]came out
We were beside ourselves

Chorus 1:

Taking the rest of the day of[D]f
Lying [G]out the back
Slung in a hammock
[D]Gathering reams of space [F]and time[G]

Verse 2:

[D] [D] [A] [G]
[D]Two eyes[D] that surrender
The [A]call might come
[G]Fire my anger and spoil [D]the whole thing
It?s not much fun when the pressure[A]s on
And your lu[G]ck has gone
But you squeeze my hand

Chorus 2:

We?re taking the rest of the day off[D]
We like to cl[G]imb the rock
Before we have lunch
And we?ll [D]turn our backs on the whole damn[F] bunch
Middle 8 (repeat this phrase 3)

[A]Ah ah ah[G] ah[F][F]

Verse 3:

[D]You?ll f[D]ind the answer walking the do[A]g
Dow[G]n the south of Piha, it?s [D]over and done
Not a lot to say when the man call[A]s up
The [G]line goes dead and you?re yesterdays[D] news
I couldn?t care less now I?m here wit[A]h you
We?re the [G]only ones left and we?re flat on our backs

Chorus 3:

[G]Taking the rest of the day of[D]f
And you find it don?[G]t add up to much
When you?re wrapped in a blanket [D]of stars
With the on[F]e you love yeah yea[G]h[D]
Like two [F]shiny dogs [G]yeah [D]yeah
With the [F]one you love yeah yeah[G][D]

D (to fade)

Check out Neil?s web site

Chords List

Chord: Rest of the Day Off - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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