Chord/Tab song: Prairie Lullaby

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Prairie Lullaby - ( PRAIRIE LULLABY - originally by Jimmie Rodgers I think, b...)

5 years ago1123 Eliza Carthy
PRAIRIE LULLABY - originally by Jimmie Rodgers I think, but I love Eliza's version.

[Am]Shadow[Dm]s slowly cr[Am]eeping

[Am]Down the [Dm]prairie's t[Am]rail,

[Am]Everyt[Dm]hing is s[Am]leeping

[G]All but the n[G#]ightin[G]gale.

[Am]Moon will so[Dm]on be cl[Am]imbing

[Am]In the pu[E]rple [Am]sky,

[Am]Night wind s[Dm]oftly [Am]humming

This te[G]nder [E]lulla[Am]by.[G7]

[C]Cares of the day have f[C7]led,

[C7]My little sl[F]eepyhead.

[C]The stars are [G7]in the[C] sky.

[C]Time that your prayers were s[C7]aid,

[F]My little sleepyhead.

[C]To a prairie l[G7]ull[C]aby.

[G]Saddle up your pony.
The [C]sandman's here

To g[D7]uide you down the trail of dr[G]ea[G7]ms.
[C]Tumble in bed, my c[C7]hild,
You old s[F]leepyhead,
To a pr[C]airie l[G7]ullab[C]y.

Chords List

Chord: Prairie Lullaby - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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