Chord/Tab song: Overcome

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Overcome - ( My attempt at Creeds new single. I have left out the brid...)

5 years ago1129Full Circle (2009) Creed
My attempt at Creeds new single. I have left out the bridge to the song.
Any questions send them to
Single gets released on 25th August 2009. Album on 25th October. Enjoy.

[Em]Don?t Cry Victim to me?

Everythin[C]g we Are and U[D]sed to be?

Is Buried and Gone.

[Em]Now it?s my Turn to Speak?

It?s my [C]Turn to Expose and Re[D]lease?

What?s been killing me.

[Em]I?ll be dammed fighting you?

Your Imp[C]ossible?


[Em]Say Goodbye?

With No Sympathy!

[C]I?m En[D]titled to OVERCO[Em]ME?

Completely Stunned?I am Numb.

[C]Knock me [D]Down?

Throw me to the Fl[Em]oor!

There?s No Pain?I can?t Feel No more.

[C]I?m En[D]titled to OVERCO[Em]ME?

[Em]Finally See what?s Beneath...

Everyt[C]hing I Am and [D]Hope to be?

Cannot be Lost.

[Em]I?ll be Dammed Fighting you?

Your I[C]mpossible?


[Em]Say Goodbye?

With No Sympathy!

[C]I?m Ent[D]itled to OVERC[Em]OME?

Completely Stunned?I am Numb.

[C]Knock me Down.[D]..
Throw me to the Floor!

There?s No Pain?I can?t Feel No more!

[C]I?m En[D]titled to OVERCOME?[Em]

This War has Made me Numb.

[C]Knock me [D]Down?Throw me to the Fl[Em]oor?

There?s No Pain?I can?t Feel No more.

[C]I?m En[D]titled to OVERCOME?[Em]

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132

Chord: Overcome - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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