Chord/Tab song: Out Here in the Middle

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Out Here in the Middle - ( Capo 4th fret ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~...)

Capo 4th fret

[G]They broke into your c[D]ar last night, t[C]ook your stereo.
[G]Now you say you d[D]on't know why y[C]ou even live there anymore.
[G]Garage man didn't see a t[D]hing so you g[Em]uess it was an inside j[C]ob.[D]..[C]

[G]You made reserva[D]tions, a ta[C]ble for three.
[G]They said you had to w[D]ait, somebody must've br[C]ibed the maitre d'.
The b[G]oss got mad and bl[D]amed it all on y[C]ou...
The f[G]ood was bad,[D] the d[Em]eal fell throug[C]h.[D]

- O[C]ut here in the mi[G]ddle you can p[D]ark it on the st[G]reet,
[C]Skip up to the co[G]unter, nearly al[D]ways get a seat.
[C]Nobody st[G]eals, no[D]body c[Em]heats...
[C]Wish you were h[G]ere, my l[D]ove. W[C]ish you were h[G]ere, my l[D]ove.[C] -[G][D]

[G]We got tr[D/F#]actor pulls and R[C]ed Man chew.
[G]Coporate relow(?) re[D/F#]fugees who n[C]eed love too.
[G]And we ain't seen [D/F#]Elvis [Em]in a year or t[C]wo.[D][C]
[G]We got jus[D/F#]tification for we[C]alth and greed,
"A[G]mber [D/F#]waves of grain" and b[C]athtub speed.
[G]Now we even got St[D/F#]arbucks, [Em]what else ya ne[C]ed?[D]

- O[C]ut here in the mi[G]ddle where the ce[D]nter's on the ri[G]ght
And the gh[C]ost of William Jen[G]nings Bryan pre[D]aches every night.
S[C]ave your lonely so[G]uls in the da[D]shboard l[Em]ight.
[C]Wish you were h[G]ere, my l[D]ove. W[C]ish you were h[G]ere, my l[D]ove. -

[C] [G] [D] [C] [G] [D] [C] [G] [D]
- O[C]ut here in the mi[G]ddle where the buf[D]falo r[G]oam
[C]We're puttin' up to[G]wers for youe c[D]ellphone.
[C]And we screen all ap[G]plicants with a f[D]ine-tooth c[Em]omb.
[C]Wish you were h[G]ere, my l[D]ove (wish you were here, my love)
[C]Wish you were h[G]ere, my l[D]ove (wish you were here, my love)
[C]Wish you were h[G]ere, my l[D]ove (I wish you were here)
[C]Wish you were h[G]ere, my l[D]ove.
[C]Wish you were h[G]ere, my l[D]ove (wish you were here...[C])[G][D]

G 320033
C X32010
D X00232
Em 022000
D/F# 200232

enjoy :)

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F#1fr2fr3fr4fr134211

Chord: Out Here in the Middle - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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