Chord/Tab song: Nothing Is Wasted

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Nothing Is Wasted - ( This song has truly blessed my heart, and I can't help bu...)

This song has truly blessed my heart, and I can't help but just raise my hands and
thank my Redeemer that nothing, in His hand, not matter how broken, is ever
wasted. I hope you truly realize that!

I am totally open for corrections, as this is my first time tabbing on here!
And I know some of these chords may sound a bit off (especially the A and G in the
verses) but when played along with the song, or with his live performances it
sounds right, I promise!

Capo: 2

The [D]hurt that broke your heart
And left you tre[G]mbling in the dark
Feeling l[A]ost and al[G]one
Will [D]tell you hope?s a lie
But what if ev[G]ery tear you cry
Will seed the gro[A]und where joy will[G] grow
And [A]not[Bm]hing is [G]wasted[D]
[A]Noth[Bm]ing is [G]wast[D]ed
In the h[A]ands of [Bm]our R[G]edeeme[D]r
[A]Noth[Bm]ing is [G]wasted[D]

It?s [D]from the deepest wounds
That beauty f[G]inds a place to bloom
And you will s[A]ee before the e[G]nd
That [D]every broken piece is
Gathe[G]red in the heart of Jesus
And what?s [A]lost will be found a[G]gain

(Repeat Chorus)

Bridge: Here's the sticky part. He has two versions of the bridge. I had only
heard this version, but apparently the track has a different set of lyrics. So I'm
sticking with these original lyrics I've memorized! :)

When [Bm]hope is more than you can b[G]are
And it's too h[Em]ard to beli[D]eve it could be t[A]rue
When your s[Bm]trength fails you half way t[G]here
You can le[Em]an on me and [D]I'll believe for y[A]ou
Give it t[Em]ime, you [D]may believe it t[A]oo

(Chorus Two)
[A]Noth[Bm]ing is [G]waste[D]d
[A]Noth[Bm]ing is [G]waste[D]d
Some[A]times [Bm]we are w[G]aiting[D]
In the s[A]orrow[Bm] we have t[G]aste[D]d
But [A]joy [Bm]will r[G]eplace [D]it
'Cause[A] noth[Bm]ing is [G]waste[D]d
No[A]thing[Bm] is [G]wasted[D]
In the [A]hand of [Bm]our R[G]edeemer[D]
[A]Nothi[Bm]ng is w[G]aste[D]d

End on D!

Soli Deo Gloria!
Hope this song blesses you and those you perform it to as much as it has me. With
God, nothing is wasted.

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo

Chord: Nothing Is Wasted - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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