Chord/Tab song: Never Is a Promise

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Never Is a Promise - ( Song: Never Is A Promise By: Fiona Apple From The Album: ...)

5 years ago1082Tidal (1996) Fiona Apple
Song: Never Is A Promise
By: Fiona Apple
From The Album: Tidal

Chorded By: Adam Klein
Web Page: The Ultimate Amanda Marshall Homepage

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Intro: Am G F C Gm F C Am G F C Gm F C

[Gm]You'll never see[F] the courag[Gm]e I know[F]
[Gm]Its colors' [F]richness won't appear [Gm]within your view[F]

[E]I'll never gl[Dm]ow - th[E]e way that you glo[Dm]w
[Gm] [F] [E]
[Dm]Your presence dominates the judgments made on you

[Am]But as the sce[G]nery grows, I see in differ[F]ent light[C]s
[Am]The shades and shadows [G]undulate in m[F]y perception[C]
[Am]My feelings swe[G]ll and stretch; I see from [F]greater heights[C]
[F]I understand what I am still t[Dm]oo proud to mention - to yo[Am]u[C]

[C]You'll say you unders[F]tand, but you don'[Am]t understand[G]
[C]You'll say you'd never g[F]ive up seeing eye to [Am]eye[G]
[F]But never is a promis[Am]e, and you can't afford t[G]o lie[Am]

[Em] [G] [F] [C] [Gm] [F] [C] [Am] [G] [F] [C] [F][C]
[Gm]You'll never tou[F]ch - these[Gm] things that I hold[F]
[Gm]The skin of my[F] emotions lies benea[Gm]th my own[F]
[E]You'll never feel [Dm]the [E]heat of this so[Dm]ul
[F]My fever burns me deeper than I've[Dm] ever shown - to yo[C]u

[C]You'll say, Don't fear y[F]our dreams, it's easier tha[Am]n it seems[G]

[C]You'll say you'd never l[F]et me fall from hop[Am]es so high[G]
[F]But never is a promis[Am]e, and you can't afford t[G]o lie[Am]

[G] [F] [C] [Gm] [F] [C] [Am] [G] [F] [C] [Gm] [F][C]
[Gm]You'll never liv[F]e the life[Gm] that I liv[F]e
[Gm]I'll never[F] live the life that wake[Gm]s me in the night[F]
[E]You'll never hear [Dm]the messag[E]e I give[Dm]
[F] [Dm][C]
You'll say it looks as though I might give up this fight

[Am]But as the sce[G]nery grows, I see in differ[F]ent lights[C]
[Am]The shades and shadows [G]undulate in m[F]y perception[C]
[Am]My feelings swe[G]ll and stretch; I see from [F]greater heights[C]
[F]I realize what I am now too [Dm]smart to mention - to yo[C]u

[C]You'll say you un[F]derstand, you'll ne[Am]ver understand[G]
[C]I'll say I'll never wak[F]e up knowing [Am]how or why[G]
[C]I don't know what [F]to believe in, you don't kno[Am]w who I am[G]
[C]You'll say I ne[F]ed appeasing when I start[Am] to cry[G]
[F] [Am] [G] [F][G][Am][G][F]
B[C]ut [Am]never is a pro - mise and I'll never need a lie

Chords List

Chord: Never Is a Promise - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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