Chord/Tab song: Love Is?

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Love Is? - ( Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 10:43:27 +0100 From: Christoph Kle...)

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 10:43:27 +0100
From: Christoph Klein
Subject: CRD: b/Beautiful South/Love is.crd

Author: Beatiful South
Title: Love is...
Album: Welcome to the Beautiful South

The following picking pattern is not exact the original, but it sounds
pretty close and it's easy to play

e I---------0-------I----------0-------I----------0--------I---------3--------I
b I-----2-----------I------1-----------I------3------------I-----3------------I
G I---0---0---0---0-I----2---2---2---2-I----2---2---2----2-I---0---0---0---0--I
D I-----------------I--------------2---I--0----------------I-------------0----I
A I-3-----------2---I--0---------------I---------------0---I------------------I
E I-----------------I------------------I-------------------I-3----------------I

[C]Uuh, you car[a]e, you really [d]really care[G]
>From the fi[C]rst 12 inch I ma[a]de to the co[d]lor of my un[G]derwear
[C]Uhh, you kno[a]w, you really [d]really know[G]
[C]Inside outside in, f[a]rom head to t[d]oe[G]
But [F]where were [G]you in the [F]colder [G]days?
I'd l[C]ike to [a]know, I'd l[d]ike to k[G]now
And w[F]here will you [G]be in y[F]ears to c[G]ome
I'd l[C]ike to [a]know, I'd l[d]ike to k[G]now

So don't [F]beg and don't p[C]lead
You can't [F]have the heart you made [C]bleed
You 're in l[F]ove with [C]fame
So whilst we love, [a]please don't scream my [G]name

Don't scream my [C]name[G], don't scream my [C]name

[C]You're my [a]friends, my [d]only real [G]friends
But I'd [C]like to know where you'll [a]be [d]when the party [G]ends
[C]I remember your f[a]ace, [d]the dance was [G]slow
[C]"Easy" by The Commod[a]ores, and [d]you said '[G]no'

But w[F]here will you [G]be in the [F]colder [G]days
I'd l[C]ike to [a]know, I'd l[d]ike to k[G]now
And w[F]here will you [G]be in [F]years to [G]come
I'd l[C]ike to [a]know, I'd l[d]ike to k[G]now

[C]So here's an invit[a]ation to this [d]caring [G]nation
[C]25 years from n[a]ow will you come to m[d]y cre[G]mation
[C]Sherry or [a]beer, [d]family and f[G]riends
[C]Will you be t[a]here, w[d]ill you be [G]there?
[C]No fame, no [a]fortune, [d]no names in [G]light
[C]Will you be t[a]here, [d]will you be t[G]here?

Any comments or improvement welcome-Chris

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211

Chord: Love Is? - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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