Hợp âm - tab: It Takes Two To Tango - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: It Takes Two To Tango - ( hi everybody. so before you gonna read the tab you have t...)

5 years ago515 Nova International
hi everybody. so before you gonna read the tab you have to know that the lyrics not
rite. for that would be cool that anybody who finds a mistake could mail to me. thx and have fun.

It Takes Two to Tango

Song By: Nova International
From the album: Nova International & Friends
Tabbed by: Ezekiel Theler

Capo 1st fret

Intro: D

[G]I was sitting down the river and a b[D]oat was passing by
I stood u[A]p for running afters tr[D]y to catch her smile
She said[G] sorry see you later and she [D]tinkered with her eye
I was run[A]ning out of breath and I got tir[D]ed

I was wa[G]iting down the river for this [D]boat passing by
Always wa[A]iting for this lady with her sh[D]yness planted eyes
[G]My choice is that simp[D]le I stay it for a while
A c[A]ar is passing by and she?s ins[D]ide

G, D, A, D

My e[G]yes stick like spies on a rev[D]iew mirror
I see a gi[A]rl who curls me a ra[D]mbled finger
She said so[G]rry occupied live is ha[D]rd and so am I
Hey lis[A]ten this is my ad[D]vice

Keep on wai[G]ting down the river for a bo[D]at passing by
Keep on wai[A]ting for a lady with her shy[D]ness planted smile
Your cho[G]ice is that simple you st[D]ay it for a while
Because bo[A]ys get lonesome some[D]times

It?s sim[G]ple but true got a ki[D]ck outta you
But [A]I

So put your ha[G]nds up
And give a little bit of ba[D]dge up
?Cause [A]it always takes two to ta[D]ngo
So put your ha[G]nds up

And give a little bit of ba[D]dge up
?Cause [A]it always takes two to t[D]ango
So put your ha[G]nds up
And give a little bit of ba[D]dge up
?Cause [A]it always takes two to ta[D]ngo
So put your ha[G]nds up
And give a little bit of b[D]adge up
?Cause [A]it always takes two to ta[D]ngo
?Cause [A]it always takes two to ta[D]ngo
And it?s sim[G]ple but true for[D]tune fade us fools
[A]I?m just a man in this pr[D]im[G]e[D]

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Hợp âm: It Takes Two To Tango - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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