Chord/Tab song: I Was Born With a Broken Heart

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: I Was Born With a Broken Heart - ( I Was Born With A Broken Heart David Ball [E]If you're l...)

I Was Born With A Broken Heart
David Ball

[E]If you're lost, and you're alone
Let me si[A]ng you a s[E]ong
You're not the only lonely one to[B]night
I can s[E]ympathize with you
I know w[A]hat you're goin' th[E]rough
I've been wa[A]lkin' in your s[E]hoes a[B]ll my l[E]ife.

[E]I was born with a broken heart
Born to l[A]ose right from the s[E]tart
Raised on h[B]and-me-down blues
That's why I s[A]ing the way I [E]do
Sad six string and a jukebox voice
I'm the lo[A]nely people's ch[E]oice
I was m[B]ade to play the part
I was b[A]orn with a br[B]oken h[E]eart.

[E]If the sun, should ever shine,
In your l[A]ife, well friend that's f[E]ine
I hope you leave behind these troubled times that we've s[B]hared
Oh but d[E]on't look back for me
I'm where I[A]'m supposed to [E]be
As long as th[A]ere's a lonely st[E]reet, I[B]'ll be t[E]here.

[E]I was born with a broken heart
Born to l[A]ose right from the s[E]tart
Raised on h[B]and-me-down blues
That's why I s[A]ing the way I [E]do
Sad six string and a jukebox voice
I'm the lo[A]nely people's ch[E]oice
I was m[B]ade to play the part
I was b[A]orn with a br[B]oken h[E]eart.

Yes I was m[B]ade to play the part
I was b[A]orn with a br[B]oken h[E]eart.

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0B1fr2fr3fr4frx13331

Chord: I Was Born With a Broken Heart - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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