Chord/Tab song: Happy Christmas

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Happy Christmas - ( It's almost Christmas[G] Everyone is wishing for everythi...)

It's almost Christmas[G]
Everyone is wishing for everything th[Em]ey always wanted
And a beau[C]tiful, shiny winter wonderland
It's too ea[Bm]sy to get temped

[G]Cinnamon cider, sparkling diamonds
[Em]Presents too big for the tree
[C]So much shopping, there's no time left
[Bm]For my friends and my family

Maybe we worry [G]too much about wishing
And no[C]t enough about giving
Cause some people h[Em]ave nothing at all[C]

[G]Giving is priceless
[Em]Random acts of kindness
[C]Remember the homeless
[Bm]Cause this is Christmas

[G]Give hope to the hopeless
[Em]Love to the loveless
[C]Remind us to be selfless
[Bm]Cause this is Christmas

So h[C]ere's my happy Christmas [Bm]to you[G]
(Happy Christmas)
[C]Here's my happy Christmas[Bm] to you[G]

So l[G]ets just spend some time together
And be grat[Em]eful that we're safe and warm
That our house[C] is filled with songs and laughter
We ga[Bm]ther by the fire making s'mores

It's [G]caring and sharing
[C]All of the good things
Not taking anyth[Em]ing for granted
That we have[C]

[G]Giving is priceless
[Em]Random acts of kindness
[C]Remember the homeless
[Bm]Cause this is Christmas

[G]Give hope to the hopeless
[Em]Love to the loveless
[C]Remind us to be selfless
[Bm]Cause this is Christmas

So h[C]ere's my happy Christmas [Bm]to you[G]
(Happy Christmas)
[C]Here's my happy Christmas[Bm] to you[G]

[C]I remember Christmas day
[Em]We go run outside and play
[G]Angels in the snow, snow fight, snowman
[C]Skating on the ice holding grandpa hand

[C]I'm just asking for one day
[Em]Let's keep making memories
[G]Can we stay home together, please?
[C]By the Christmas tree

[G]Giving is priceless
[Em]Random acts of kindness
[C]Remember the homeless
[Bm]Cause this is Christmas

[G]Give hope to the hopeless
[Em]Love to the loveless
[C]Remind us to be selfless
[Bm]Cause this is Christmas

So h[C]ere's my happy Christmas [Bm]to you[G]
(Happy Christmas)
[C]Here's my happy Christmas[Bm] to you[G]
So h[C]ere's my happy Christmas [Bm]to you[G]

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421

Chord: Happy Christmas - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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