/ Jamiroquai / This is the funky acoustic guitar solo,
/ Half the Man (solo) / 1:34-1:45. Love it! :D
/ The Return of the Space Cowboy /
[G/A] [Dmaj7]
[G7(13)] [A7(13)]
[G/A] [Dmaj7]
[G7(13)] [A11]
Jon Sebastian Frederiksen - 29th /December /10
Just mail me at Maitinin@gmail.com with questions, comments and corrections!
/ Jamiroquai / This is the funky acoustic guitar solo,
/ Half the Man (solo) / 1:34-1:45. Love it! :D
/ The Return of the Space Cowboy /
[G/A] [Dmaj7]
:-9/10-||-----7 --7 --7 --|-4/5 --5-----------|
:------||---8-8 --8 --8 --|-6/7 --7-7---6---5-|
:------||---7-7 --7 --7 --|-5/6 --6-6---5---4-|
:------||---------7 ------|---------7---4---3-|
[G7(13)] [A7(13)]
|---5---5-3 --3 --|-6/7---7-5---5----8-|
|---4---4-4 --4 --|-5/6---6-6---6----7-|
|---3---3-3 --3 --|-4/5---5-5---5----7-|
[G/A] [Dmaj7]
|---10-10 --7 7 --4/5-|-5 -5 -----------|
|----8--8 --8 8 --6/7-|-7 -7 -6---6---5-|
|----7--7 --7 7 --5/6-|-6 -6 -5---5---4-|
|----7--7 --------6/7-|-7 -7 -4---4---3-|
[G7(13)] [A11]
Jon Sebastian Frederiksen - 29th /December /10
Just mail me at Maitinin@gmail.com with questions, comments and corrections!