Chord/Tab song: Forever

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Forever - ( Aaron Lewis Forever Chords Pretty Sure this is 100% right...)

Aaron Lewis Forever Chords
Pretty Sure this is 100% right based off the youtube link at the bottom

Capo 2

[Cadd9]Another cheap high[G]-rise hotel room.[D]
[Cadd9]Another place a[G]nother show.[D]
[Cadd9]Another meaning-less,
[G]Destination w[D]ith nowhere to [Am7]go.

[Cadd9]Another [G]time to say "I lov[D]e you".
[Cadd9]Another [G]time to say "Good [D]night".
[Cadd9]Another [G]time to hear a dia[D]l tone,
'Cause no one wants to [Am7]fight.
Why should we fight[C]?

[G]'Cause I can see it in your e[D]yes.
Is the Sparkle gone f[Am7]orever?
Don't say foreve[C]r.
[G]And I can feel it when we [D]touch.
Is the fire out foreve[Am7]r?
Don't say forever[C].

Caad9 G D x2

[Cadd9]Another [G]time to miss a bir[D]thday.
[Cadd9]Another [G]time to miss my f[D]light.
[Cadd9]I've missed s[G]o much, that I don't know what[D] I have,
And what I thought I [Am7]might.
What I m[Cadd9]ight.....[G]'cause

I can see it in your [D]eyes.
Is the Sparkle gone f[Am7]orever?
Don't say foreve[C]r.
[G]And I can feel it when we [D]touch.
Is the fire out foreve[Am7]r?
Don't say forever[C].

G to an Esus2

Cadd9 D G Esus 2 base line to an F# base line
Now I'm lying beside you.
Cadd9 D G Esus 2 base line to an F# base line
A stranger in your arms.
Cadd9 D G F# base line
We drift apart together,
And c[Esus]ome b[2]ack[D] like[Cadd9] a storm.
Like a sto[D]rm.

[Cadd9]Another [G]show up in Decatu[D]r.
[Cadd9]Another[G] one in Sa[G]n Antone.
[Cadd9]Somewhere els[G]e in this e[D]quator,
Takes me far away from [Am7]home
But I'[C]m coming home,?. '[G]cause.

[G]I can see it in your [D]smile.
Ive waited for this f[Am7]orever.
'Cause this is fo[C]rever

[G]And I can feel it when we t[D]ouch.
The fire burns for[Am7]ever,
'Cause this is fo[C]rever.

[G]And I can see it in your [D]eyes
The sparkle shines fo[Am7]rever
This is foreve[C]r

[G]And I can feel it when we t[D]ouch
The fire burns fo[Am7]rever
This is for[C]ever

This is where this came from

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Cadd91fr2fr3fr4frx21o3o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am71fr2fr3fr4frxo2o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

Chord: Forever - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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