Chord/Tab song: Fire Bomb

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Fire Bomb - ( Capo on 4th Chords: [D] [A] [G] 1st Verse: [D]Gunfire...)

5 years ago980Rated R (2009) Rihanna
Capo on 4th

1st Verse:
[D]Gunfire left a hole in the tank losing gasoli[A]ne
Fire is on my trail and he's after m[G]e
Hope it dont get here before I get where I'm goin[A]g,
I gotta get where I'm going take off the mask to breat[D]he
You could've been a part of a masterp[A]iece
Fluid in breaks was the last to l[G]eak, that's the thing


W[A]here I'm going I don't need my bra[G]kes
Can't wait to see y[A]ou're face,
When your front windows b[G]reak,
Then I'll come cr[A]ashing through,


The lovers need to clear the r[D]oad, O[A]h oh,
Cause this thing is ready to bl[G]ow, O[A]h oh
I just wanna s[D]et you on fire so I wont have to burn a[A]lone,
The you, then you'll know w[G]here I'm coming from [A]
D A D A ( pattern to verse )
Fire Bomb
(Fire Bomb)

2nd Verse: SAME CHORDS

Scenes go but baby no it doesn't have to be,
Microwave in a metal tragedy,
Watching it burning it's beautiful and blue,
When it's through it's the other half of me,
I didn't do it you lit the match for me,
Now we're flying from the blast baby that's the thing


Where we're going we don't need no brakes,
Can't wait to see your face,
When your front windows break,
Then I'll come crashing through


The lovers need to clear the road, Oh oh,
Because this thing is ready to blow, Oh oh,
I just wanna set you on fire so I wont have to burn alone,
Then you, then you'll know where I'm coming from,
Fire bomb (Fire Bomb)

[A] Baby we were kil[G]ling them,
They couldn't handle the m[A]illionth degree,
We were c[G]riminals,
As we were burning the w[A]orld called the police,
Fire de[G]partment ambulance, you called me [A]crazy,
Cause I believe the only [G]move for me and you is to go out [A]blazing,


The lovers need to clear the road, Oh oh,
Because this thing is ready to blow, Oh oh,
I just wanna set you on fire so I wont have to burn alone,
Then you, then you'll know where I'm coming from,
Fire Bomb,
Oh oh oh
Fire Bomb.

Chords List

Chord: Fire Bomb - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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