Hợp âm - tab: Don’t Pass Me By - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Don’t Pass Me By - ( I l[G]isten for your footsteps, coming up the drive L[C]i...)

4 years ago1379Other Songs The Beatles
I l[G]isten for your footsteps, coming up the drive
L[C]isten for your footsteps, but they don't arrive
W[D7]aiting for your knock dear, on my own front door
I don't h[C]ear it, does it mean you don't love me anym[G]ore?

I h[G]ear the clock a-ticking, on the mantel shelf
S[C]ee the hands a-moving, but I'm by myself
I w[D7]onder where you are tonight, why I'm by myself
I don't s[C]ee you, does it mean you don't love me anym[G]ore?

D[G]on't pass me by don't make me cry don't make me blue
'Cause you know d[C]arlin, I love only you
You never k[G]now it hurt me so, I'd hate to see you go
Don't pass me [D7]by, don't make me c[C]ry [G]
( Tab from: http://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/b/beatles/dont_pass_me_by_crd_ver_4.html )
I'm so[G]rry that I doubted you, I was so unfair
[C]You were in a car crash and you lost your hair
You s[D7]aid that you would be late, about an hour or two
I Said "t[C]hat's alright, I'm waiting here just waiting to hear from y[G]ou!"

[G]Don't pass me by don't make me cry don't make me blue
'Cause you know d[C]arlin, I love only you
You never k[G]now it hurt me so, I'd hate to see you go
Don't pass me [D7]by, don't make me c[C]ry [G]

D[G]on't pass me by don't make me cry don't make me blue
'Cause you know d[C]arling, I love only you
You never kn[G]ow it hurt me so, I'd hate to see you go
Don't pass me [D7]by, don't make me c[C]ry [G]

[G] [C] [D7] [C] [G]

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: Don’t Pass Me By - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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