Chord/Tab song: Descending

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Descending - ( [Intro] [C] [G] [C] [G] [C] [G] [D] [Verse 1] [G]Maybe I...)

[C] [G] [C] [G] [C] [G] [D]
[Verse 1]
[G]Maybe I[D/F#]'m just sca[Em]red of landi[D/F#]ng
[G]Maybe you[D/F#] are too[Em][D/F#]
[G]It's a bea[D/F#]utiful m[Em]isunderstand[D/F#]ing
[G]From my[D/F#] point of vie[Em]w[D]

[Am]Can you feel it n[C]ow?
The wheels coming d[Dsus2]own[D]

I just [C]want you to worry about[G] me
[Em]Every once in awhi[D]le
I just [C]need a sign of [G]life to get me by[D]
You can't [C]fake a smile forev[G]er
From a [Em]mouth that o[D]nce was m[C]ine
Is it[Am] over or fi[Em]nally begi[D]nning

[Verse 2]
[G]There's a m[D/F#]emory that [Em]I keep havin[D/F#]g
[G]And I d[D/F#]on't know what it [Em]means[D/F#]
[G]We're not [D/F#]falling, and [Em]we're not fl[D/F#]ying
[G]It's so[D/F#]mewhere in betw[Em]een[D]

C[Am]an you say it no[C]w?
I feel it slowing d[Dsus2]own[D]

I just [C]want you to worry a[G]bout me
[Em]Every once in awh[D]ile
I just [C]need a sign of [G]life to get me by[D]
You can't [C]fake a smile fore[G]ver
From a [Em]mouth that [D]once was [C]mine
Is it [Am]over or [Em]finally beginnin[D]g

I'm H[C]olding s[G]teady
You're [Em]restless, I'm r[D]eady

I just [C]want you to worry a[G]bout me
[Em]Every once in aw[D]hile
I just [C]need a sign of [G]life to get me b[D]y
You can't [C]fake a smile fo[G]rever
From a [Em]mouth that [D]once was [C]mine
Is it [Am]over or [Em]finally beginni[D]ng
Are we Desc[C]ending?[G][Em][D]

I'm h[C]olding s[G]teady
You're [Em]restless, I'm r[D]eady
I'm [C]holding st[G]eady
I'm r[Em]estless, you're r[D]eady
I'm h[C]olding stea[G]dy [Em] [D]

Chords List

Chord: Descending - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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