The chords are: Em | Am | C | Em | G
[Em] Cousins of the |antic[Am]hrist
[Em] are hiding |eve[Am]rywhere
(repeats Em | Am for the verses)
It then reaches a "bridge" which is an Em walk down
to C
[C]All |[Em] went | d[G]own
[C]A | l[Em]ong | w[G]ay
[C]Found | the[Em]re | lov[G]e
[C]All |[Em] in | [G]vain
(repeat once)
[Em]Cousins of the | antich[Am]rist ..............same as the first verse.
[Em] Cousins of the |antic[Am]hrist
[Em] are hiding |eve[Am]rywhere
(repeats Em | Am for the verses)
It then reaches a "bridge" which is an Em walk down
to C
[C]All |[Em] went | d[G]own
[C]A | l[Em]ong | w[G]ay
[C]Found | the[Em]re | lov[G]e
[C]All |[Em] in | [G]vain
(repeat once)
[Em]Cousins of the | antich[Am]rist ..............same as the first verse.