Title: Chasing After the Wind
Artist: Clear
Album: Clear
Copyright: 1998 Ardent Music
Chorded by: Kim Mecham ([email protected])
Notes: This is a piano song, so you've got to be a little creative on
the guitar with it. If you use a nice finger-picking pattern it's sounds
pretty good.
(during verses toggle between F and c)
In my mind, dreams grow wild.
I catch the breeze it sends my feet to fly.
And on I go, in my own world of glory.
Just like I'm living in a fairy story.
[F]But in the [G]end,[F] I'm only [C]chasing after[G], the [C]wind
Chorus: G F
What could I acquire to make my heart
de[G]light in what it [C]finds?
Nothing [G]I desire can [F]bring me joy,
like [C]You.
The wind leads on dancing through the trees
Tripping over meadow brooks, rustling the leaves.
And so I follow, intent to taste the bliss.
To relish in the feast or awaken to a lover's kiss
[F]But in the [G]end,[F] I'm only [C]chasing after,[G] the [C]wind.
Artist: Clear
Album: Clear
Copyright: 1998 Ardent Music
Chorded by: Kim Mecham ([email protected])
Notes: This is a piano song, so you've got to be a little creative on
the guitar with it. If you use a nice finger-picking pattern it's sounds
pretty good.
(during verses toggle between F and c)
In my mind, dreams grow wild.
I catch the breeze it sends my feet to fly.
And on I go, in my own world of glory.
Just like I'm living in a fairy story.
[F]But in the [G]end,[F] I'm only [C]chasing after[G], the [C]wind
Chorus: G F
What could I acquire to make my heart
de[G]light in what it [C]finds?
Nothing [G]I desire can [F]bring me joy,
like [C]You.
The wind leads on dancing through the trees
Tripping over meadow brooks, rustling the leaves.
And so I follow, intent to taste the bliss.
To relish in the feast or awaken to a lover's kiss
[F]But in the [G]end,[F] I'm only [C]chasing after,[G] the [C]wind.