Chord/Tab song: Callin' Me When I'm Lonely

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Callin' Me When I'm Lonely - ( Callin' Me When I'm Lonely Capo 2 [G] [D] [AM] [G] [D] ...)

Callin' Me When I'm Lonely

Capo 2

[G] [D] [AM] [G] [D] [C]
[EM]Friday night and it's snowing outside[C]

I'm a[G]ll alone here watching it fall[D]
[EM]TV's on but [C]the sounds turned down
[G]Somehow I knew he'd kno[D]w to call right[AM] now

I oug[C]hta just let it ring
'Cause every time it's the same damn thing[D]

[G]Why is he always gotta be calling[D] me when I'm lon[AM]ely?[C]
Its so wr[G]ong to be leading me o[D]n and I can't say [AM]no
[G]He swears that it's gonna be dif[D]ferent this time but it[AM] won't[C] be
Wh[AM]y's he always [C]gotta be calling me when I'm lone[G]ly?

[C] [EM]
[C]He left a message [G]saying he was only fifteen minut[D]es away
[EM]That's just e[C]nough time for me to f[G]igure out if I should s[D]tay or leave[AM]
[C]But if I think it [AM7]through
[C]I ain't got nothing bette[D]r than you
[G]Why's he always got[D]ta be calling me when I'm [AM]lonely?[C]
It's so w[G]rong to be leading me o[D]n and I can't say no[AM]
[G]He swears that its gonna be di[D]fferent this time but it won't b[AM]e
Wh[C]y's he always gotta be call[AM]ing me when I'm lonely?[G]

[AM]He's at the front door now
[G]With his magic smile
And[C] he'll be gone tom[AM]orrow
[G]But right now he's mine for a litt[D]le whil[C]e[D]

[EM] [G] [D] [G]
[G]Why's he always gotta be callin[D]g me when I'm lo[AM]nely?[C]
It's so wr[G]ong to be leading me [D]on and I can't [AM]say no
[G]He swears that it's gonna b[D]e different this time but[AM] it won't be [C]
Why's he always gotta be calling me when I'm[C] lonely?[G]
Wh[AM]y's he always gotta be calling me[C] when I'm lonely?[G]

[AM] [G] [D] [C] [D] [AM] [AM7] [G] [D] [C]

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

Chord: Callin' Me When I'm Lonely - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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