Chord/Tab song: Born Losers

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Born Losers - ( tuned 1/2 step down. [G-A-C-F] [G]Well there ain't noth...)

tuned 1/2 step down.

[G]Well there ain't nothing to t[Am]his [C]but your daughter[F]
[G]and the life you would not gi[Am]ve h[C]er break your plans[F]
[G]traipsed across the [Am]cont[C]inent a squatter[F]
for you[G]r lies at night to sle[Am]ep b[C]etween my hands[F]

[G]When the lights come on this[Am] who[C]le place gets ugly[F]
[G]but when they're out s[Am]tran[C]gers fall in love[F]
[G]she could never say that fla[Am]t ou[C]t she don't want me[F]
[G]cause I could never say that [Am]half[C] way ain't enough[F]

[G]New Order's on the t[Am]urn [C]table we're dancing[F]
[G]cause what else do you [Am]do w[C]hen you don't talk?[F]
[G]crucified to [Am]craw[C]l into your mansion[F]
Ya, [G]that's why I learned t[Am]o cr[C]awl before I walked[F]

[Am]We're back whe[C]re w[G]e b[F]elong
[Am]straight back whe[C]re w[G]e b[F]elong
no[C] day[G]s for[Am] nights, n[C]o co[G]caine c[F]ons
[Am]just back wher[C]e w[G]e b[F]elong

( Tab from: )
[G]Take me out ba[Am]ck t[C]o your piranhas[F]
[G]And beat me until [Am]I can'[C]t even stand[F]
[G]your whole life a plan[Am]e wi[C]thout no landing gea[F]r
[G]so if this is it then co[Am]me o[C]n let me land[F]

[G]That trailer trash[Am] ped[C]igree is calling[F]
[G]it rats you out when [Am]you'[C]re down on all fours[F]
[G]me I like to ca[Am]st m[C]y death on yesterda[F]y
[G]cause what doesn't kill us no[Am]w ju[C]st makes us better whor[F]es

[Am]We're back whe[C]re w[G]e b[F]elong
[Am]straight back wher[C]e we[G] be[F]long
n[C]o da[G]ys fo[Am]r nights, [C]no c[G]ocaine [F]cons
[Am]just back wher[C]e we[G] be[F]long

"Notes the bridge bit follows"

: F - E - E - D - D - E - D - C :

[G]Go put it in the ground[F][Am]
[G]go bury it some plac[F]e it can't be found[Am]
[G]go put it in the ground[F][Am]

[G] [-] [Am] [-] [C] [-] [G]

[G]Well there ain't nothing to t[Am]his [C]but your daughter[F]
[G]and the life you would not gi[Am]ve h[C]er break your plans[F]
[G]traipsed across the [Am]cont[C]inent a squatter[F]
for you[G]r lies at night to sle[Am]ep b[C]etween my hands[F]

[Am] [-] [G] [-] [F]

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211

Chord: Born Losers - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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