Chord/Tab song: Black Mermaid

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Black Mermaid - ( I'm an amateur guitar player and this song uses chords th...)

I'm an amateur guitar player and this song uses chords that I am unfamiliar with.
I could be completely wrong about these chords, but this is what I hear when I
listen to it and I can sing the melody over these chords and it blends beautifully.

The chords in this song are strummed using only E, A, and D strings while keeping
the three higher strings G, B, and e muted.

chords used:

E A D G B e
G: 3-2-0-x-x-x
A: 5-4-2-x-x-x
D: 5-5-4-x-x-x

Black Mermaid by Esthero

i?m a black merm[G]aid[A][D]
from the bottom of the [G]sea[A][D]
i will teach you how to love[G] me[A][D]
into greatness i will lead y[G]ou[A][D]
?cause i?m a black merm[G]aid[A][D]
nothing rarer you will [G]find[A][D]
i am here for you to love[G] me[A][D]
i?ve been here for all o? [G]time[A][D]
and i will w[G]ait for you to s[A]ee me and to under[D]stand
that a w[G]oman can restor[A]e the soul of any [D]broken man
if you can [G]look beyond the wav[A]es and just belie[D]ve in me?
i am the li[G]ghthouse standing [A]strong atop the rocks [D]and sand
?cause i?m a black mer[G]maid[A][D]
from the bottom of the [G]sea[A][D]
i will teach you how to lo[G]ve me[A][D]
into greatness i will le[G]ad yo[A]u[D]
and i?ve spent[G] most of my life [A]deep down inside [D]myself
i?ve dreamt [G]about the possibili[A]ty of someone [D]else
who could s[G]ee the things i?ve [A]seen and steal away[D] with me
into the d[G]arkness we could fa[A]de because we know [D]ourselves
and i?m his black merm[G]aid[A][D]
from the bottom of the [G]sea[A][D]
i will teach you how to lo[G]ve me[A][D]
into greatness i will lead [G]you[A][D]
yeah i?m a black mer[G]maid [A][D]
from the bottom of the [G]sea[A][D]
i will teach you how to l[G]ove m[A]e[D]
into greatness i will lea[G]d you[A][D]
and i?ve s[G]pent most of my li[A]fe deep down in[D]side myself
i?ve dream[G]t about the possibi[A]lity of someon[D]e else
who could s[G]ee the things i?ve[A] seen and steal[D] away with me
into the da[G]rkness we could fa[A]de because we L[D]OVE ourselves
and i?m his black mer[G]maid[A][D]
he thinks i?m beauti[G]ful[A][D]
yeah i?m his black mer[G]maid[A][D]
he thinks i?m beautif[G]ul[A][D]
i am beautif[G]ul[A][D]
[G](All the dark horses and a[A]ll the good men,
[D]won?t you come put me back together again?) repeatx4
i am beautif[G]ul.[A][D]

Contact me with questions, comments or corrections, please. Thanks! Hope this is good :D

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132

Chord: Black Mermaid - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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