Chord/Tab song: Accidntel Deth

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Accidntel Deth - ( you're obses[A]sed with finding a new b[E]rain but what y...)

you're obses[A]sed with finding a new b[E]rain
but what you ne[D]ed is a new b[A]ody
it feels your br[D]ain has lived a tho[A]usand lives bef[E]ore
and the sk[A]in you call your h[E]ome
holds a he[D]art that quits and knees that b[A]uckle in
and lu[D]ngs that can't br[A]eathe when they're a[E]lone
and the d[A]ays come to you like sai[E]lors
you watch t[D]hem as they drift aw[A]ay
they meet the su[D]nrise [A]out at the hor[E]izon

and it's ne[A]ither sink nor sw[E]im
at least the wa[A]ter's beneath your c[E]hin.

there's bl[A]ood spilled on the fl[E]oor
everyone's sta[D]ring at you, what f[A]or?
until you re[D]alize the bl[A]ood is probably y[E]ours
you feel you've lo[A]st something, you want it b[E]ack
you lie emo[D]tionless on your ba[A]ck
and your l[D]egs aren't taking a[A]nymore r[E]equests
those diso[A]bedient wr[E]ecks
how you ca[D]red for them as they ca[A]rried you
from cl[D]ass to class a[A]nd coast to c[E]oast

when you owned la[A]nd and when you were b[E]roke
through re[A]cessions and a[E]ddictions

it's just your a[D]ccidental d[A]eath
your ac[D]cidental d[A]eath
it's just your ac[D]cidental de[A]ath
you're the in[D]dian in the cou[E]gar's n[A]est.

your fri[A]ght gives way to m[E]emory
have them c[D]ough you with your l[A]ove
or the sto[D]ry your father to[A]ld you long a[E]go
he was hun[A]ting with his own fat[E]her
for de[D]er he pointed and spo[A]tted her
and then tr[D]ipped over some r[A]oots or some d[E]ead trees
the g[A]un went off, i[E]t was a mistake
and my f[D]ather was only ei[A]ght
and as he w[D]atched the dying d[A]eer,
he was c[E]hanged.

'cause he felt so[A]rry for what he'd do[E]ne
and he p[A]ut down his g[E]un
will you feel so[A]rry for what you've do[E]ne?
will you p[A]ut down your g[E]un?
cause there's no ac[A]cidental de[D]ath
when you're the ind[D]ian in the cou[E]gar's ne[A]st

Chords List

Chord: Accidntel Deth - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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