Chord/Tab song: A Message

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: A Message - ( Coldplay - A Message tab Capo 1st fret Standard Tuning ...)

5 years ago1480X&Y (2005) Coldplay
Coldplay - A Message tab
Capo 1st fret
Standard Tuning


First submitted tab, go easy on me.
Tabbed this bout a year ago on the piano.
With capo on the first fret it should be right on the money.
If anyone wants the piano chords let me know.


[C]My song is l[Am]ove[G]
[C]Love to the l[Am]oveless sh[G]own
[C]And it goes [Am]on[G]
You don't h[Dm]ave to [C]be al[G]one

[C]Your heavy h[Am]eart[G]
[C]Is made of s[Am]tone[G][F][C]
[C]And it's so h[Am]ard to s[G]ee clearly
You don't [Dm]have to b[C]e on your o[G]wn
You don't h[F]ave to be[C] on your o[G]wn

[Dm]And I'm not gonna t[C]ake it b[G]ack
[Dm]And I'm not gonna say I d[C]on't mean t[G]hat
[Dm]You're the target that I'm a[C]iming a[G]t
And I'll g[F]et that m[C]essage ho[G]me
( Tab from: )
[C]My song is [Am]love[G]
[C]My song is l[Am]ove, unkn[G]own[F][C]
[C]But I'm on f[Am]ire for yo[G]u, clearly
You don't h[Dm]ave to [C]be al[G]one
You don't h[F]ave to be [C]on your o[G]wn

[Dm]And I'm not gonna t[C]ake it b[G]ack
[Dm]And I'm not gonna say I [C]don't mean t[G]hat
[Dm]You're the target that I'm a[C]iming [G]at
But I'm [F]nothing [C]on my o[G]wn
Got to g[F]et that [C]message [G]home

| Dm | C | G | 2x

[Dm]And I'm not gonna s[C]tand and w[G]ait
[Dm]Not gonna leave it until it's [C]much too [G]late
[Dm]On a platform I'm gonna s[C]tand and s[G]ay
That I'm n[F]othing [C]on my o[G]wn
That I [F]love you, p[C]lease come [G]home

| Dm | C | G | F | 2x ---- These are quick and quiet

My [F]song is l[C]ove, is l[G]ove u[Am]nknown
And I've [F]got to g[C]et that m[G]essage [C]home

I like to play the C's like this..
E | ---3--
B | ---3--

G | ------

D | ---2--
A | ---3--

E | ------

makes it easier to switch to the G's
But the original position works too!


Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Dm1fr2fr3fr4frxoo231
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211

Chord: A Message - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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