Hợp âm - tab: 157 Riverside Avenue - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: 157 Riverside Avenue - ( From the Album-"REO Speedwagon" [1971]Written by Terry Lu...)

From the Album-"REO Speedwagon"
[1971]Written by Terry Luttrell/Gary Richrath/Gregg Philbin/
Neil Doughty and Alan Gratzer
Tabbed by Ray Scheidler

Intro: (Piano) then D G7 D A G7 D Shuffle

We fl[D]ew into town on Sunday

Had to find a place by Monday

Tried Br[G7]idgeport and Westport

F[D]ound a place we thought would do

[A]157 R[G7]iverside Aven[D]ue

S[D]augatuck River's flowin'

Mother Nature's colors were showin'

So c[G7]old so rainy

We c[D]ouldn't help feelin' blue

N[A]ot enough time t[G7]oo many things to d[D]o

We m[D]et a young girl on Main St.
Wanted to just pass her by

She was [G7]homely so lonely she said

"C[D]an I make love to you" we shouted

[A]157 R[G7]iverside Aven[D]ue

Interlude: D G7 D A G7 D

It's [D]over Miss Lena we're leaving

Such a pleasant stay I must say

So n[G7]ice so easy

We h[D]ate to say goodbye to you at

[A]157 R[G7]iverside Aven[D]ue

(Outro on D G7 D A G7 D)

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Hợp âm: 157 Riverside Avenue - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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